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What Hi-Fi? Sound and Vision

What Hi-Fi? Sound and Vision

Bei Readly kannst du What Hi-Fi? Sound and Vision und 8.000 weitere Magazine auf deinem Smartphone und Tablet lesen. Alle Magazine sind im Preis von € 14,99 pro Monat inklusive. Eine Kündigung ist jederzeit möglich.

Über What Hi-Fi? Sound and Vision

Through news, reviews, videos and one-to-one online advice, its experts are helping millions of people get more from their music, movies and TV - however and wherever they want to enjoy them. And the site’s hugely popular forums attract a highly engaged audience who share a passion for the latest technology. The dedicated test team puts an ever-widening array of consumer electronics - from the slimmest smartphone or tablet to the largest pair of hi–fi speakers - through its paces, in bespoke, unrivalled reviewing facilities. The results published in What Hi-Fi? magazine - summarised in the brand’s famous star ratings - have a global influence, shaping both the success and evolution of products, even from the industry’s biggest names.

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