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Radio Control Car Action

Radio Control Car Action

Bei Readly kannst du Radio Control Car Action und 8.000 weitere Magazine auf deinem Smartphone und Tablet lesen. Alle Magazine sind im Preis von € 14,99 pro Monat inklusive. Eine Kündigung ist jederzeit möglich.

Über Radio Control Car Action

Since 1985, RC Car Action has driven the market and set the standard for RC journalism. Covering the full spectrum of the radio control car market, from racing to ready-to-runs, kits to custom creations, each issue is filled with insider tech tips, hard-hitting comparison tests, in-depth product reviews, how-tos from the experts and jaw-dropping project vehicles. Each month, new drivers, hardcore enthusiasts and racing pros turn to RC Car Action as their #1 source to guarantee success on the track, in the dirt and over the rocks.

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