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Old Glory

Old Glory

Bei Readly kannst du Old Glory und 8.000 weitere Magazine auf deinem Smartphone und Tablet lesen. Alle Magazine sind im Preis von € 14,99 pro Monat inklusive. Eine Kündigung ist jederzeit möglich.

Über Old Glory

If you love the spectacle of immaculately-restored old machinery, or are fascinated by Britain’s rich industrial and transport heritage, Old Glory is the magazine for you! In vivid detail it brings back all the sights and sounds of yesteryear. Glorious showman’s engines belt out the amperes to drive historic fairground rides; pairs of mighty steam ploughing engines turn the soil; steam rollers make up roads once more; tram wheel flanges squeal through town and city streets; colourful working narrowboats ply the canals; dray horses deliver good ale to the pubs; vintage tractors cough into life; stationary engines turn over tirelessly and the commercial vehicles we used to know take to the road again. This magazine covers these magnificent steam engines that once powered this nation. Whether you’re interested in the latest news, stories of steam engines saved from obscurity, upcoming events or detailed features on the history of these wonderful machines you’ll find it in Old Glory.

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