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iPad User Magazine

iPad User Magazine

Bei Readly kannst du iPad User Magazine und 8.000 weitere Magazine auf deinem Smartphone und Tablet lesen. Alle Magazine sind im Preis von € 14,99 pro Monat inklusive. Eine Kündigung ist jederzeit möglich.

Über iPad User Magazine

iPad User Magazine is the complete companion guide for owners of any iPad model, including the new iPad mini. Published every six weeks you’ll be kept up-to-date with the latest things to do on your iPad. If you want to know what your iPad can really do, what the best apps are to get and how to kit out your new iPad, this is the only guide you’ll need. Our step-by-step guides help you get to know your iPad inside and out and will inspire you to go further. Whether it's all about the in-built applications or the pick of the App Store, we'll show you what you need to know.

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